Intelligent Control Lab.
Cenaturo's image aquisition system

Centauro's mirror image explanation
The image aquired by Centauro's camera has two distinct areas:

Edge detector Only a small number of lines (5-8) are processed in each of the three subimages, to reduce computational load. The line processor outputs one of four possible symbols: all_white, all_black, line or error. Lines whose slope is too small are rejected as noise. Based on the sequential analysis of the lines in the mirror subimage of the current frame, a state machine determines the state of the robot: following_a_line, on_a_line_interruption or on_a_´final T´. The information from the other subimages (whether a straight line or an interruption is detected there) is used to accelerate/decelerate the vehicle and to make the decision of going to the external portion of the track.

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Last modified: 16:01 15-September-2002